Beto Vargas is a Songwriter/ Singer/ Producer from Bogotá, Colombia. His music mixes styles from American Rock n Roll with the roots from his childhood and Latin Music. He has been writing and surrounded by music since he is 13 years old and graduated from the prestigious Berklee College of Music in 2012. He now lives in Los Angeles where he has paved his way in the music industry by founding a music production company, producing over 200 artists, making music for film & TV and releasing his own music. His new work brings a new edgier sound with a modern production, as well as English lyrics.
"I live for those moments when music gives me the chills. It’s a universal language that can change the world and inspire us to be great.”
Beto Vargas tiene un indudable amor por la música. Nacido en Bogotá, Colombia, ha tenido una vida rodeada de arte y creatividad desde pequeño. Desde que agarró la guitarra a los 12 años nadie lo ha podido separar de ella. En el 2012 se radicó en Los Angeles donde rápidamente se empezó a destacar en la industria como cantante, compositor y productor.
“La música es de todo para todos. Un lenguaje universal con el que nos podemos conectar todos y celebrar la vida”

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